[English follows]
AKG英語で一番大切にしていること・・・楽しむこと!!!子どもって、楽しいことはすぐに覚えてしまいますよね。大好きな家族がいるお家は、英語を「楽しむ」絶好の場!ぜひ英語は楽しい = もっと知りたい!好奇心に繋げよう♪
●歌 - 英語圏で歌い継がれてきた定番歌は、
今月の歌「Farmer in the Den」は、ほのぼのとした、家族仲良い農場の風景を思い浮かべながら、楽しめる一曲です。
●当てっこゲームをしてみよう。”Mother” や “brother (兄/弟)” “sister (姉/妹)” のように振る舞える?だれの真似をしているか、当ててもらえるかな?英単語プラス想像力や工夫力も試される定番ゲーム。
●ヨガ - 今月の英単語を、体で表せる?”Father” みたいに大きくストレーッチ!”Baby” のように小さくなって… 英語を言うのも忘れずに!子どもは動くの大好きなことに加え、体を動かすと脳が活性化され、より覚えやすくなるのです。
それでは、Let’s have fun!
= = = = =
How can you use AKG English At Home?
The most important thing is to have fun! Play games and do activities that make English fun and exciting to increase your child's interest in English!
Sing!- Each month we have a song to sing! You can watch a video of us singing it, and sing it with us! Singing can help children to develop language from an early age, and by having fun with English songs, you can build a positive relationship with English, too!
Play Charades!- This is a great chance to increase recognition and understanding of the vocabulary words! Can you pretend to be the person on the card? Can you guess which person it is? Take turns to pretend and guess, and have fun!
Do Yoga!- By moving their whole body while thinking about new words, children can use more of their brain to learn! Activating this brain power makes it easier to understand and remember new words!
We had fun making these activities, I hope you have fun too!
= = = AKGと繋がろう! = = =