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今年のGWも2日間、AKG特別イベント「YUNGA Days!」を開催!


AKG farmのお花や植物にたくさんのpollinatorsが大集合! 一緒に花粉を運ぶ生き物の代わりになって、花粉をうつしてみたりもしたね!



Today was the second day of our special two day event! 「YUNGA Days!」 Today’s theme was Pollinators!

We learned about the creatures that carry pollen from one plant to another! So many pollinators can be spotted at the AKGfarm! Butterflies, bees, and many more! We became pollinators ourselves by brushing the flowers with a paint brush to deliver pollen from one flower to another.

Our activities for the day included: harvesting vegetables, cooking our lunch on the fire, and even making our own pollinators with the surrounding nature.

We’re so excited to see more and more flowers blooming at AKGfarm as the summer approaches!

= = = AKGと繋がろう! = = =


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