What are you afraid of? 怖いもの、何?
Child: "ゾンビが怖い..."
Staff: "ゾンビはどんな感じ?"
Child: "緑色の顔をしてるの..."
Staff: "私はピエロが怖いなあ。"
Child: "私もピエロ好きじゃないの..."
ハロウィンは元々、収穫のお祝いであり、いたずらな霊を追い払うためのものでした。AKGのハロウィンをお祝いするアドベンチャー・デーでは、妖精やドラゴンなど架空の生き物について話したり、 “Magic Wand Song”を歌ったり、魔法の杖やスープを作ったり、顔にペイントもしたりと、盛り沢山に楽しみました‼ 🧙♀️🔮
🎃🌲 Celebrating Halloween at AKG! 🍂👻
October is a journey into the realms of fantasy, and it's also the perfect time for us to celebrate Halloween with our children! 🧚♂️🌟
Recently, our staff had a spook-tacular conversation with the children:
Staff: "What are you afraid of?"
Child: "I am afraid of zombies."
Staff: "What do zombies look like?"
Child: "Green face."
Staff: "I am afraid of clowns."
Child: "I don’t like clowns, either."
It's great how the children were open to sharing their fears, and we used these phrases to add an extra layer of fun English learning to this magical month! 🗣️👶
Halloween is originally a celebration of the harvest and a way to chase away mischievous spirits, it's now a beloved tradition. In AKG Halloween Adventure days, we go all out! We talk about our favorite fantasy creatures, sing the magic wand song, create enchanting wands, get our faces painted, brew witchy soup, and so much more. 🧙♀️🔮
Happy Halloween from the forests of AKG🍁
= = = AKGと繋がろう! = = =